Sunday 20 January 2013

Planet Sad At The Movies - Classic Soft Rock Songs That Accompany Crucial Film Scenes

 The 40-Year-Old-Virgin - Heat Of The Moment

One of the early visual cues in this surprisingly sweet-natured gross-out comedy that Steve Carell's character is a loser is the massive Asia poster on his wall.

If he'd been playing the French horn, this would have been totally OK
That, and his collection of sci-fi action figures, which probably includes that Ken Russell* out of Stargate.

*Yes, James, we know it's really Kurt - please stop being disappointed in us.

So, when Steve finally chases after Catherine Keener to tell her how he really feels about her, he does so to the anthemic strains of Asia's Heat Of The Moment. Comedy mayhem ensues, as does a welcome spot of PRS for John Wetton and Geoffrey Downes.

Boogie Nights - Sister Christian

Having successfully effed up his career as a porn star through a combination of egomania, paranoia and needing to for the sake of the plot, Mark Marky Mark Walhberg finds himself being sucked into a scheme to stiff coked-up-bonkers Alfred Molina in a dodgy drug deal.

And this is the least porno moustache in the whole film...

Molina insists on interrupting the negotiations so everyone can listen to his favourite bit out of Night Ranger's Sister Christian. The moral of this story is that the only thing worse than doing cheap ningle is doing it while listening to an AOR mixtape.

Rock Of Ages

No, hang on, no scene is crucial in a film which allows Alec Baldwin to commit such flagrant Girly Bobby Haircut as this...

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